This week on The DayBreak Blog, we’re sharing some news based on what we are seeing in the current marketplace.
Collaboration is often hailed as the key to success in any professional setting, but it’s not always as straightforward as it seems. Many of us unknowingly fall into traps that hinder rather than help our collaborative efforts. Understanding these pitfalls is crucial for truly effective teamwork to take fold.

According to, here are 3 common misconceptions about collaboration:
- Assignments don’t need to be clearly defined. Without everyone knowing what is clearly expected of themselves and others as individuals, the result is a lack of organization and colleagues stepping on each others’ toes. On the other hand, it can also lead to inaction, as employees aren’t sure who is doing what, so many will wait to see if someone else handles a task or plan of action.
- Trust in other team members isn’t important. When colleagues don’t have that sense of trust in one another, oftentimes you’ll start to see an overlap in work where multiple people are working on the same thing. Micromanaging is also a common byproduct of a lack of trust in others.
- Project management is an afterthought. When teams are collaborating on a specific project or task, it’s important to have someone managing the progress, expectations and roles, while keeping everyone and everything organized.
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