3 Strategies to Break Free When You’ve Outgrown Your Job

This week on The DayBreak Blog, we’re sharing some news based on what we are seeing in the current marketplace.

It’s common for many of us to feel stuck in our jobs at some point in our careers. It could be due to feelings of being under-appreciated, overworked or simply bored and not challenged by our jobs. Although it can be an unsettling feeling, this realization could present the opportunity for us to springboard ourselves to reach new paths and new heights.

According to FastCompany.com, here are 3 strategies to break free when you’ve outgrown your job:

  1. Have patience. You don’t have to feel pressure to make an immediate impulsive move. Just realizing that it’s time to move on can allow you to take a deep breath and relax as you embark on your new job search. Take your time, consider your options and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.
  2. Carve out some time for self reflection. We’re often so busy and caught up in the weeds of day to day life and tasks, that we rarely take some time to think about what we really want in our careers. Think about what makes you happy, what drives you and what challenges you are seeking. Think about your values as well. All of these will come into play when evaluating whether or not you align with a potential new employer and their mission and core values.
  3. Seek out external inspiration. Talk to friends and colleagues and gain an introspective into their inspirations and interests. Read inspirational books or watch videos on YouTube to spark you. Seek out new experiences, try new things, learn new skills and pick up new hobbies. All of this can help uncover passions you have long forgotten or have yet to discover.

For more details and to read the full article from FastCompany.com, click the link below!