The DayBreak Blog, this week featuring: Progressive Payment Solutions. One of the many smart businesses that are providing great value to their customers. PPS harnesses innovations and new technology to make it faster and easier than ever to process payments, while never compromising on customer service by continuing to use dedicated people to help their clients.
Smart business people know that small savings add up. It’s the basic principle we try to teach our children by giving them a piggy bank: keep putting small amounts of money away to end up with a sum that’s much larger than you expected.
This same savings principle is even more effective when it comes to your business eliminating credit card processing fees. In fact, you may easily be able to save thousands of dollars per month by eliminating these pesky costs that many businesses struggle with.
In the video below, Zachary Kramer of Progressive Payment Solutions explains how your business can eliminate credit card processing fees.
To contact Progressive Payment Solutions: