This week on The DayBreak Blog, we’re sharing some news based on what we are seeing in the current marketplace.
Identifying strong leadership skills in others is essential for building successful teams, especially in a day and age where employees don’t traditionally stay with one organization as long as they used to. Whether you’re evaluating a colleague or even yourself, certain traits consistently stand out in exceptional leaders.

According to, here are 4 easy ways to identify strong leadership skills:
- Set your team up to succeed. The best leaders are the ones who empower others to succeed, which inevitably leads to collective, overall success. They consider the need-set of their people first and foremost.
- Recognize and celebrate your team members’ personal achievements. It’s no secret that people appreciate genuine recognition. We all like when people pay attention and appreciate our hard work and achievements, both in the workplace and in our personal lives as well. Strong leaders are mindful of their team members accomplishments.
- Flip the hierarchy. Look at it like this: the organization is here to serve the customers, first and foremost. Including the top leadership of the company. Some of the best leaders in the world take this approach. The client facing employees are really at the top of the pyramid and carry the most weight.
- Help your people grow. The best leaders are always looking to help individuals grow, learn and progress to new levels in their careers. This is also one of the best ways to keep retention rates high. Employees who feel valued and trusted to learn and accept new responsibilities are more inclined to stay with the team.
For more details and to read the full article from, click the link below!