The DayBreak Blog, this week featuring: Goodwill NYNJ and their Bridge to Tech Program. One of the many worthy charities doing amazing and inspiring work in the local community. On Friday, November 4, 2022, twelve Goodwill NYNJ program participants graduated from Goodwill’s NYNJ Bridge To Tech program. After completing the Bridge training, these graduates will go on to advance tech training that will connect them to in-demand tech jobs. This was the first cohort graduating from the Bridge to Tech program in year three.

Goodwill NYNJ launched its Bridge To Tech program two years ago to equip individuals enrolled in New York City’s Human Resources Administration city-wide Career Services programs with the necessary skills to qualify for and graduate from advanced technology training providers and obtain in-demand tech jobs. On September 12, 2022, Goodwill NYNJ expanded the services of its Bridge To Tech program for year three to offer a bridge to cybersecurity training in partnership with Per Scholas and a bridge to the Pursuit Fellowship thanks to $1 million funding from the New York City Council and additional funding from Amazon and Google.
Google generously donated the space at its Learning Hub in Chelsea to celebrate the graduation event.
You can learn more about Goodwill NYNJ, the amazing work they are doing, and how you can be a part of their impact on the community by visiting their website and social media links below!